June 13, 2013

Turquoise Stone Effect Tutorial (Saran Wrap)

Hi again! I've had some requests on my instagram on how I did my turquoise stone effect nails. It's pretty easy so I decided to make a quick tutorial so you can do them yourselves.

Things you will need:
-  Saran Wrap or any kind of plastic wraping paper
-  Nail polish
-  Thin brush or a toothpick

1. Paint your nails with a turquoise blue and wait until it's totally dry.

2. Get the saran wrap and cut it into little pieces. Scrunch it and apply some polish on it. Not much you can tap it on a piece of paper to remove the excess polish. Dab it onto your nail just a little bit.

3. Using a thin brush or a toothpick and some gold polish create little spots they don't have to be perfect they have to look like stains on a stone.

4. Add a top coat and taadaa! You are done, you have turquoise effect nail design.

I hope this tutorial is useful and you try this yourselves. Don't forget to tweet me or tag me on instagram if you try them. I would love to see your versions of this cute design. If  you have any questions comment or email me at thenailartshow@gmai.com. Happy polishing!

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