April 26, 2013

Outfit Inspired / Flower Theme Tutorial

Hi my lovelies, well today I will be showing you how to do this cute design for spring. It’s really just a flowered mani but it’s also inspired in this summer dress I love and I can’t wait to wear. So let’s get the show started!

1. Paint your nails with your favorite base coat to protect them and then paint them with a base color. I chose Not a Greenager from Catrice, the most similar to the green of my dress I could find.

2. Sart painting a small thing line on your nail using a nail art brush or dotting tool.

3. From the centre of the line make little lines to create the little petals of the flower.

4. Repeat it until you have two or three flowers on your nails, remember not doing them really close because you have to fit in the stem.

5. With the same technique we used to do the white flowers we will do the centre of the flower in another color. I used this light red. Like before, paint a stripe (smaller than before) and from the centre of the line make little lines.

6. With a dark green, the same we will be using for the stems of the flower, make irregular dots in the middle.

7. Draw the stems of the flowers in different directions with a dotting tool or a brush using the same green that we used to do the centre of the flower.

8. Apply your favorite top coat and the design is ready!

I hope you like this mani and don’t forget to like and comment. If you try this design let me know, I will be happy to check it out. Happy polishing!

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